Trinidad man shot dead, Chinese tenants robbed

Sat­nar­ine Ram­per­sad

Armed ban­dits killed a home­own­er on his bed and robed his ten­ants, two Chi­nese women, dur­ing the ear­ly hours of this morn­ing, San Fer­nan­do.

Sat­nar­ine Ram­per­sad, a dri­ver, 58, of Ti­ta­ni­um Cres­cent, Union Hall, was dis­cov­ered by po­lice ly­ing on a bloody mat­tress around 4.10 am with a gun­shot wound to his chin. The in­trud­ers broke a lock and gained ac­cess to the up­stairs of Ram­per­sad’s home.

Po­lice said Ram­per­sad nev­er got the chance to use his li­censed firearm to pro­tect him­self. He was shot dead on his bed.

The po­lice found the weapon safe­ly se­cured in the house. The in­trud­ers then made their way down­stairs the house where they robbed the Chi­nese na­tion­als.

Po­lice be­lieve the women may have been the tar­gets.

They ran a small busi­ness out of the house. They were tied up and their mouths bound with duck tape.

Of­fi­cers said the ban­dits ran­sacked the place and robbed them TT$10,000, US$2,000 and cell­phones.

Among the first re­spon­ders were of­fi­cers of the San Fer­nan­do CID and Emer­gency Re­sponse Pa­trol Unit, in­clud­ing PCs Craw­ford, Charles, Sandy, Cpl Julien, and PC Su­jeet Ram­cha­ran.