Cop recounts discovery of gun, ammo during search of Maryann Daby house

Maryann Daby
Maryann Daby

A police witness testified yesterday when the trial of Maryann Daby on charges of illegal possession of a gun and ammunition continued in a city court and he recounted the discovery of the weapon at her home.

Daby, of Lot 127 D’Aguiar Park, Houston, was charged in May of 2018, with possession of a .32 pistol, without being the holder of a firearm licence, as well as possession of six live .32 rounds, while not being the holder of firearm licence.

She has denied the charges.

Senior Superintendent Errol Watson, who is stationed at Police Headquarters, Eve Leary, told the court that he had been serving in ‘A’ Division at the Brickdam Police Station as the Level Commander on the day of the alleged crimes. He said that he was in charge of the conducting of raids and searches and that he had been approached by another police officer who informed him of certain information.

As he explained what took place in that time, Daby’s attorney, Mark Waldron brought to the court’s attention that what Watson was saying could be considered “hearsay” and trial magistrate Leron Daly agreed and advised the officer to only tell of what took place in his presence.

Watson continued by saying that based on the information he had received, he along with the officer who brought the information and other officers got a search warrant and went to Daby’s home. There, he met with her father, whom he was familiar with, and after presenting his police identification card he was able to conduct a search of the home, where the gun and ammunition were found.

He added that after they had returned to the police station, the car which Daby allegedly drove off in moments after the crime was committed was lodged. When he mentioned the car’s licence number, Waldron was quick to alert the court to the different number which was listed in the man’s first statement. Watson explained that it was a mistake on his part to fail to remember the correct licence number and denied that he would ever add information to his testimony that would not coincide with his statement.

After the attorney was satisfied with his cross-examination and the prosecutor declined reexamining the witness, the other two witnesses who were present were informed that another date would be set for them to give their testimonies.

Prosecutor Richard Harris added that the two present along with another would need to give their testimonies on the next date and that they were the last three witnesses in the matter.

Magistrate Daly informed the two and Daby to return to court on October 23rd for the continuation of the trial.