US Ambassador visits Bartica for talks with regional leaders

In line with the U.S. Embassy commitment to help build capacity in remote areas, Ambassador Sarah-Ann Lynch (centre) made a trip to Region Seven and met with officials from the Regional Democratic Council, the Regional Police, the Mayor’s office, and the regional hospital. A release from the US Embassy yesterday said that Lynch enjoyed her discussions with regional leaders about the infrastructure, security, green economy, and social services of Cuyuni-Mazaruni. (US Embassy photo)
In line with the U.S. Embassy commitment to help build capacity in remote areas, Ambassador Sarah-Ann Lynch (centre) made a trip to Region Seven and met with officials from the Regional Democratic Council, the Regional Police, the Mayor’s office, and the regional hospital. A release from the US Embassy yesterday said that Lynch enjoyed her discussions with regional leaders about the infrastructure, security, green economy, and social services of Cuyuni-Mazaruni. (US Embassy photo)