Harper among four new senior WI selectors

For­mer West In­dies off-spin­ner and coach Roger Harp­er is among four men cho­sen by Cricket West Indies to be on the se­nior se­lec­tion pan­el for the re­gion­al team.

Harp­er, a Guyanese, will be joined by the for­mer Wind­ward Is­lands bats­man and se­lec­tor Lock­hart Se­bastien, who was re­moved ear­li­er this year be­fore the new se­lec­tion guide­lines were be­ing put in place. Se­bastien re-ap­plied and was cho­sen on the new pan­el. He was part of the Court­ney Browne-led pan­el that in­clud­ed El­dine Bap­tiste and Travis Dowl­in.

Al­so mak­ing the grade as a se­nior se­lec­tor are for­mer Wind­wards bats­man Miles Bas­combe and Hendy Wal­lace, who served as chair­man of the Bar­ba­dos se­nior se­lec­tion pan­el.