It worries me when I see state-sanctioned proliferation of gambling across this country

Dear Editor,

I often shy away from public commentary but my beliefs as a member of the Christian faith compel me to break away from this practice, if only in this one instance.

Our society is currently grappling with many social ills, excessive gambling is one such. Two of the spin-offs from this are its negative impact on the family and that it fuels crime.

In the Bible, Exodus 20:17 talks about coveting which is the root of many of our problems. What is one of the reasons that people gamble? The answer is that they covet money, which they hope to make in a quick and easy way.

1 Timothy 6:10 declares that “the love of money is the root of all evil.” Therefore, the enticement of gambling has many evils associated with it. In this regard, it worries me when I see the state-sanctioned proliferation of gambling across this country.

Within the past three years, there have been a large number of betting shops and gambling machines operating in many villages. These have all received permits from the various state entities.

I recall that in 2015 President Granger campaigned on the promise to bring back righteousness to government. There were specific posters depicting this message; several in my village, therefore, you would understand my surprise as well as that of many of the persons I’ve spoken to from the Christian faith about what seems to be a backpedal or betrayal.

I recall the fervour in the Christian community during the Presidency of Bharrat Jagdeo when discussions were held on casino licensing. There were consultations held within the Christian community. Many of us were vociferous in our objections, myself included.

Now, without any notice whatsoever, this evil seems to be at every corner accessible to everyone, including our young, unguided, untrained minds; something ought to be done.

As a nation, we should uphold the standards of righteousness.

Yours faithfully,

Apostle Safee Rahaman

Grace Pentecostal Church (Guyana)
