Dear Editor,
I am a member of the People’s National Congress. I can clearly remember our Founder Leader, Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham saying on more than one occasion – I and my party, the People’s National Congress, have the task of ensuring that no Guyanese man, woman or child goes to bed hungry.
Cdes. Oscar Clarke, Rashleigh Jackson, Robert Corbin, Charles Corbin, Cammie Ramsaroop, Urmia Johnson, Jeffrey Thomas, Carl Greenidge, Adam Harris, Vincent Alexander , Sase Narine, Halim Majeed Cheryl Sampson, Yvonne Harewood-Benn and Hamilton Green can bear witness.
This declaration was made during our time of hardship and pressure.
I am therefore most happy that our country is about to be blessed with the ability to see the fulfillment of this undertaking by our party.
The holy books to which our population subscribe all speak of the duty of providing for and protecting the poor. Our religious leaders should therefore lead us in thanking God for this blessing.
It behoves our leaders to eschew language and postures which suggest an anti-poor attitude, rather, it should be obvious from our statements that our priorities include provision for the poor and needy as an urgency.
Our university should be tasked with the examination of the various current models of transfers and the ultimate presentation of alternatives/adaptations for consideration.
We have a duty to be our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers.
Yours faithfully,
Malcolm Parris