(Trinidad Guardian) A hostage drama involving Danah Alleyne, the sister of Crime Watch host Ian Alleyne, ended in the death of her boyfriend Keone Paryag last night after police intervened and shot him.
The incident occurred just after 6 pm when police, led by Central Division head, Ag Supt Wayne Mystar, responded to a call that Alleyne was cornered in her apartment by Paryag at Biljah Road, Chaguanas.

Mystar told the T&T Guardian that when they arrived they sought to de-escalate the situation and managed to convince Paryag to come outside.
However, Mystar said Paryag, 34, was armed when he came out and although officers begged him to drop his licensed firearm he refused and instead pointed the weapon at them. Police then fired several shots at Paryag, hitting him in his foot.
He was rushed to the Central Medical Centre for treatment but the circumstances became even more bizarre at the facility.

Just after 8 pm, word came from Ian Alleyne that Paryag had died since doctors had found the presence of alcohol and cocaine in his system, which prevented them from being able to stop the flow of blood.
It is believed that he died from a heavy loss of blood. Mystar also confirmed to Guardian Media that doctors found cocaine in Paryag’s system.
Guardian Media understands the situation began when Danah and Paryag were liming at her apartment shortly before 6 pm. At some stage, Paryag took out his firearm and fired about ten shots. This prompted the neighbours to call the police.
Ian Alleyne told Guardian Media he was about to go on set with his daily programme when he got a frantic call from his sister.
“She was screaming on the phone and I was hearing the shots firing off in the background. In the end, she is traumatised and I am too,” he said.
He added his account of what happened when he arrived.
“When I saw the gun pointed I backed off. I believe he would have shot and I don’t give the police wrong for shooting him in the foot or wherever, because he had the gun pointing at them and threatening to shoot. I begged him to put down the gun,” Alleyne said.
Alleyne’s father, Pastor Dave Alleyne, of Flaming Word Ministry, said he was saddened by the events that unfolded but claimed that Danah’s close friend had an “emotional and mental meltdown” due to work issues.
Guardian Media was told that Paryag was affiliated with a family-owned private security services business.
A video of the incident was shared widely on social media last night. It showed Mystar, Alleyne (Ian) and several police officers near the apartment.
Mystar was heard shouting, “Drop it, please. I’m begging you.”
Three shots were then heard.
Officers then moved in together with Alleyne, who at the time was also holding a licensed firearm which he drew as he approached the house with the officers.
A crying Danah was then taken out of the apartment and carried to a police vehicle.