Dear Editor,
The Mayor and Councillors of the City of Georgetown wish to advise the general public that it has not made any decision on the way forward relating to the parking meter project. At this juncture the Council is still awaiting a response from the Honourable Minister of Communities Mr. Ronald Bulkan on the Review ordered by Cabinet. The Council will abide by the decision made by Cabinet in relation to the parking meter project.
Also, His Worship the Mayor of Georgetown Pt. Ubraj Narine is exploring other means of reducing traffic congestion in the City; which includes the provision of parking lots within the City precincts.
It was reported in the Guyana Standard in an article dated the 20th of October, 2019 that the “Council is passionately considering the return of the parking meter project” the statement is not the official position of the sitting Council.
Yours faithfully,
Debra Lewis
Public Relations Officer,
City Council