Trinidad: Boy goes missing five years after sister disappeared

An­dron Jag­gan

(Trinidad Guardian) Five years af­ter Nicole Jag­gan mys­te­ri­ous­ly dis­ap­peared while on her way to a hair­dress­ing class, her younger broth­er An­dron Jag­gan has al­so gone miss­ing from a su­per­mar­ket in South Trinidad.

It is un­cer­tain whether the two in­ci­dents are re­lat­ed.

Jag­gan’s par­ents moved out of a ram­shackle home at Su­chit Trace where they lived for 23 years and went to Kris­ten Av­enue, Boodoo Trace, Pe­nal, where they bought land and start­ed con­struct­ing a house af­ter Nicole’s dis­ap­pear­ance.

Their new­found wealth raised sus­pi­cions from neigh­bours who claimed the fam­i­ly be­gan liv­ing an ex­trav­a­gant lifestyle af­ter their daugh­ter went miss­ing.

Po­lice said An­dron’s dis­ap­pear­ance was re­port­ed to them by his moth­er Vic­ki Bhag­wan­dass-Jag­gan on Sat­ur­day af­ter­noon.

She told the po­lice he had gone to the su­per­mar­ket but nev­er re­turned home.

Guardian Me­dia went to Bhag­wan­dass-Jag­gan’s house at Boodoo Trace to speak with her but she nev­er came out of the house.

A woman, pre­sumed to be Bhag­wan­dass-Jag­gan was heard speak­ing in­side the house.

But in an in­ter­view with Guardian Me­dia, An­dron’s fa­ther, Prakash, who is sep­a­rat­ed from Bhag­wan­dass-Jag­gan, said he did not be­lieve his son was miss­ing.

He said the po­lice nev­er vis­it­ed his home to in­ter­view him and he was un­sure whether or not his son was ac­tu­al­ly miss­ing.

Even though a Venezue­lan link was sus­pect­ed in Nicole’s dis­ap­pear­ance, there were no An­ti-kid­nap­ping of­fi­cers at the homes mon­i­tor­ing calls or vis­its.

“When Nicole went miss­ing po­lice were up and down with us try­ing to find her. Now An­dron miss­ing and po­lice is not even here. You think he re­al­ly miss­ing? I don’t think so,” Prakash said.

Ad­mit­ting that he did not have a good re­la­tion­ship with his es­tranged wife, Prakash said af­ter a court hear­ing she had re­ceived cus­tody of their three chil­dren Jey­ron, 17, An­dron, 15 and Mer­rilee, 12. Each week he pays $1,100 in child main­te­nance even though he works as a mar­ket ven­dor.

Prakash said Bhag­wan­dass- Jag­gan was very pro­tec­tive of her chil­dren and nev­er al­lowed them to go any­where alone since Nicole’s dis­ap­pear­ance.

He ex­plained that on Sat­ur­day, po­lice called him to say that Bhag­wan­dass-Jag­gan had re­port­ed An­dron miss­ing. Hours lat­er, he said Bhag­wan­dass-Jag­gan sent him a mes­sage say­ing she did not want him to come back to their house at Kris­ten Av­enue. How­ev­er, Prakash said he nev­er asked Bhag­wan­dass- Jag­gan about their son’s dis­ap­pear­ance.

He al­so sought to clear up sus­pi­cions about where he got mon­ey to pur­chase a house and land at Boodoo Trace.

Prakash said the lands had been bought three years be­fore Nicole went miss­ing. He said he used his earn­ings as a mar­ket work­er to build the house which is now oc­cu­pied by Bhag­wan­dass-Jag­gan and their three chil­dren. He ad­mit­ted that be­fore Nicole’s dis­ap­pear­ance they were liv­ing in squalor but said this was be­cause they were scrap­ing every ex­tra bit of mon­ey to build their own home.

Even Bhag­wan­dass-Jag­gan’s fa­ther ex­pressed dis­be­lief that An­dron was miss­ing. He said Prakash was a hard work­er.

Nicole went miss­ing on Feb­ru­ary 10, 2014. Po­lice said they sus­pect­ed a Venezue­lan link in her dis­ap­pear­ance be­cause the fam­i­ly re­ceived mid­night calls from a num­ber in Venezuela for a month af­ter the mys­te­ri­ous dis­ap­pear­ance.