Trinidad: Grave digger drowns on the way to church

Crime Scene Investigators, CSI, and Embacadere residents look at the body Neville Boland who drowned while swimming at Black Stone, San Fernando yesterday.
Crime Scene Investigators, CSI, and Embacadere residents look at the body Neville Boland who drowned while swimming at Black Stone, San Fernando yesterday.

(Trinidad Guardian) San Fer­nan­do grave dig­ger Neville Boland en­joyed tak­ing a dip in Black Stone beach every Sun­day be­fore go­ing to church.

On Di­vali day, Boland, 73, of Cir­cle Dri­ve Em­bac­cadere took his last dip in the wa­ters near his home but nev­er made it out alive.

Po­lice said around 3 pm, he went in­to the wa­ter and got in­to some dif­fi­cul­ties. Half an hour lat­er, his body was seen float­ing in the Gulf of Paria.

It was brought out to shore by res­i­dents.

Po­lice said there were no marks of vi­o­lence.

It is un­cer­tain how Boland drowned but an au­top­sy is sched­uled to be done on the body on Tues­day at the San Fer­nan­do mor­tu­ary.

One of his neigh­bours said Boland was a de­vout Ro­man Catholic who at­tend­ed Our La­dy of Per­pet­u­al Help RC Church.

He said Boland en­joyed tak­ing a swim in the calm wa­ters of Black Stone beach be­fore head­ing to church.

Sgt Rahim, In­sp’s Fi­ga­roo and Har­riper­sad as well as PC Kham­raj vis­it­ed the scene.

San Fer­nan­do po­lice are con­tin­u­ing in­ves­ti­ga­tions.