Trinidad: Family devastated after Divali fire destroys home

Baldeo Soogrim weeps as he recalls how his home was destroyed by fire on Sunday.

(Trinidad Guardian) Di­vali was meant to be a hap­py time for Baldeo Soogrim and his daugh­ter Vis­han­na but one hour be­fore they lit their deyas, a fire broke out at their home and de­voured every­thing they owned.

Dur­ing an emo­tion­al in­ter­view with Guardian Me­dia, Soogrim re­called how he slept in his car on Di­vali night near the smoul­der­ing ru­ins of his house at Rochard Road, Pe­nal, gaz­ing in dis­be­lief at his sud­den mis­for­tune.

Soogrim who works as a san­i­ta­tion work­er with the Pe­nal/Debe Re­gion­al Cor­po­ra­tion said the fire took not just his house­hold valu­ables, jew­ellery and mon­ey but al­so the equip­ment which he used to earn a liv­ing.

“I lost my weld­ing plant, five weed whack­ers, my pres­sure wash­er, two chop saw and my two cars,” Soogrim added.

He said no one was at home when the fire start­ed.

Vis­han­na had gone to vis­it her un­cle and Soogrim had gone to take his friend Mukesh Ram­nath to vis­it his moth­er, a dou­ble am­putee.

“Noth­ing was left light­ing in the house. We had al­ready spread out the deyas on a ta­ble out­side so when we come back home we would have start­ed light­ing them,” he re­called.

Around 5 pm, Soogrim said his broth­er called him say­ing the house was on fire. By the time Soogrim ar­rived home, the flames were un­con­trol­lable and had start­ed to spread to his neigh­bour’s house.

Neigh­bour Enez Mitchell said she was at home when she saw the fire. Her fam­i­ly and sev­er­al neigh­bours quick­ly grabbed the gar­den hose and start­ed tack­ling the blaze.

A call was made to the Siparia Fire Sta­tion but by the time fire­fight­ers ar­rived, the en­tire house was de­stroyed. Dam­ages were es­ti­mat­ed to be over $750,000. Soogrim said he was un­sure how he would get mon­ey to re­build his home.

He said his daugh­ter Vis­han­na re­cent­ly start­ed work­ing as an On the Job trainee with the Min­istry of Ed­u­ca­tion.

“At this stage of my life, I don’t know how we will restart every­thing,” Soogri­om cried. Any­one want­i­ng to as­sist the fam­i­ly can con­tact him at  799-2454.

Siparia po­lice are con­tin­u­ing in­ves­ti­ga­tions.