Trinidad: Young woman found chopped to death

Dolmati Mangroo found chopped to death in St Helena on Thursday.
Dolmati Mangroo found chopped to death in St Helena on Thursday.

(Trinidad Guardian) A close male rel­a­tive is in po­lice cus­tody for the mur­der of 24-year-old Dol­mati Man­groo who was found hacked to death on Thurs­day af­ter­noon by rel­a­tives.

“They went to feed the pigs and they saw a big pool of dry blood on the floor,” one rel­a­tive said.

“They went in­side where they found her body, the blood was al­ready dry on her,” the rel­a­tive con­tin­ued.

The house where Dolmati Mangroo was found murdered.

Guardian Me­dia vis­it­ed Man­groo’s St He­le­na home on Fri­day and one rel­a­tive told us that the body bore sev­er­al chop marks, a sight the fam­i­ly de­scribed as too much to bear.

“I don’t know how my moth­er will cope,” the rel­a­tive said.

“Her neck was slashed and she was miss­ing fin­gers like she tried to brakes the chop,” the rel­a­tive con­tin­ued.

Man­groo’s body was found at her boyfriend’s Damien Dri­ve San­ta Mon­i­ca Trace home on Thurs­day, how­ev­er, she did not live there.

The 24-year-old lived with her par­ents some streets away at Misty Dri­ve on the same Trace.

How­ev­er, the rel­a­tive be­lieves that Man­groo’s death was pre­med­i­tat­ed and they sus­pect that may have been abused al­though she nev­er showed any signs.

“The day be­fore he sold all his pigs, is like he knew what he was go­ing to do,” the rel­a­tive told Guardian Me­dia.

The fam­i­ly mem­ber said that the Man­groo’s close male rel­a­tive of one year was an al­co­holic and she was help­ing him turn his life around.

“When she met him he was home­less,” the rel­a­tive said.

“They would go to church every week to­geth­er,” the rel­a­tive con­tin­ued.

The fam­i­ly mem­ber said it seemed like Man­groo’s male rel­a­tive was hav­ing a re­lapse and the vic­tim gave him an ul­ti­ma­tum.

“She told him that if he con­tin­ues they will not be able to work,” the fam­i­ly mem­ber told Guardian Me­dia.

How­ev­er, Man­groo’s last mes­sage to a fam­i­ly mem­ber via What­sapp gave the im­pres­sion that some­thing was wrong even though she did not ad­mit it.

“I mes­saged her about 4 am not ex­pect­ing her to re­spond but she did, I asked her why she was up so ear­ly and what hap­pened, she replied noth­ing, “the rel­a­tive said.

The fam­i­ly mem­ber said they got the news of Man­groo’s death lat­er that day.

“I feel like I’m liv­ing in a night­mare,” the rel­a­tive said.

Now one res­i­dent of the area said she saw Man­groo and her male rel­a­tive walk out the road for her to get a taxi for work, how­ev­er, she did not see her re­turn and ques­tioned how her body got back at the house.

The res­i­dent de­scribed the young man as qui­et how­ev­er there was one in­ci­dent where the res­i­dent claimed he be­came drunk and vi­o­lent.

“One time he fell out with some men and he was drunk and want­ed to kill them, I told him to for­get that but he said he has noth­ing to live for,” the res­i­dent said.

Her fam­i­ly de­scribed Man­groo as an am­bi­tious young woman who want­ed to be a nail tech­ni­cian.

“She was the ba­by of the fam­i­ly, I can’t be­lieve that this is re­al,” the rel­a­tive said.

Ac­cord­ing to the In­ter­na­tion­al Women’s Re­source Net­work, ap­prox­i­mate­ly 30 women have been killed by close rel­a­tives for 2019.