Trinidad: Young mother among 4 shot and killed

Jamila Chase, mother of one, was killed on Saturday morning in Maloney.
Jamila Chase, mother of one, was killed on Saturday morning in Maloney.

(Trinidad Guardian) Three men and a woman were shot and killed in two sep­a­rate in­ci­dents be­tween Fri­day night and Sat­ur­day morn­ing.

Ac­cord­ing to a po­lice re­port, at about 4.30 am on Sat­ur­day gun­men am­bushed a group of peo­ple near Build­ing 9, Mal­oney Gar­dens, in the vicin­i­ty of Apart­ment 1-4 East and opened fire.

Three peo­ple died. They were iden­ti­fied as moth­er of one Jami­la Chase, and two men—Michael “Grimey” Walk­er and Ka­reem “Crit­ters” Mc Eachrane.

Pre­lim­i­nary in­ves­ti­ga­tions, ac­cord­ing to po­lice, re­vealed that the three were rel­a­tives of a per­son known to them and that the killings were gang-re­lat­ed.

A close friend of Chase, when con­tact­ed by Guardian Me­dia, said her killing was a “shock.” She de­scribed Chase as a “beau­ti­ful per­son…this has hit me hard. She was like a sis­ter from an­oth­er moth­er. She was full of life and loved her son very much.”

Asked if they had any idea why some­one would want to mur­der these peo­ple, the friend replied: “I don’t know, but it is just sense­less and for no rea­son.

In an ear­li­er in­ci­dent, short­ly be­fore mid­night, a 24-year-old man iden­ti­fied as Shiloh Colling­wood was shot dead a stone’s throw away from his home at Baz­zard Street, Monte Grande, Tu­na­puna.

A mo­tive is yet to be de­ter­mined for that killing.