Eccles man shot dead in Agricola

Seon Bobb
Seon Bobb

A twenty-four-year-old man was on Saturday evening gunned down in Agricola, East Bank Demerara (EBD) and a teenage boy who was shot in the crossfire is in hospital.

The dead man has been identified as Seon Bobb, of Eccles, EBD. The injured teen has been identified as Daniel Webster of 105 Caesar Street, Agricola.

Police in a statement yesterday said the shooting occurred at around 6.29 pm on Saturday on Caesar Street. Residents yesterday said the shooting took place between Second and Third streets.

The section of Caesar Street where the shooting took place on Saturday.

Police investigations revealed that two suspects, who were identified as `Plucking’ and `Big Life’ were armed with handguns and discharged several rounds in the direction of Bobb.

Bobb, police in the statement said, sustained a gunshot injury below his chin. Webster at the time, police said, was in close proximity to Bobb and was also shot. He suffered a gunshot wound to the right side of his chest.

 They were both picked up and taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital where Bobb was pronounced dead on arrival and Webster was admitted.

Residents in the community were tightlipped about the events that transpired on Saturday evening. They said that they were uncertain as to what motivated the attack.

At the home of Webster, his grandfather, Collin Forde told this newspaper that they too are seeking answers on the shooting.

He said his grandson was on his way home from football practice when he was caught in the crossfire. Forde said his grandson underwent surgery on Saturday night to remove the bullet and up to midday yesterday he was in the recovery room.

“Doctors told us everything is alright. They were able to remove the bullet and scans showed that no organs were damaged,” the grandfather explained.

He added that while he was not able to speak to his grandson, he received a thumbs up from him, an indication that everything was alright.

The police statement said that a 30-year-old of Brutus Street was arrested pending investigations and the two suspects are being sought.

Yesterday, Stabroek News learnt that police were combing the area in search of the suspects and illegal weaponry.