New dad accused of burglary attempt

Eric Abrigo
Eric Abrigo

A man charged with attempting to break into a home and commit an offence was granted $50,000 bail moments after telling a magistrate that he missed the birth of his child because he was in custody.

Eric Abrigo, 30, of Lot 145 Non Pareil, East Coast Demerara, appeared before Principal Magistrate Faith McGusty in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court yesterday, charged with attempting to break into the home of a woman and commit a felony, that is to say, simple larceny. It is alleged that on November 16th at Ruimveldt, Georgetown, Abrigo attempted to break and enter the home of Maryam Moore and commit a simple larceny offence.

Abrigo denied the charge and told the court that he has not seen his newborn child because he was in the lockups when the child’s mother gave birth last Friday.

Police Prosecutor Seon Blackman objected to Abrigo being released on bail. He cited the prevalence of the offence as well as the penalty it attracts.

In giving the facts in the matter, Blackman told the court that on the night in question, Moore was in bed when she noticed movement on her verandah. She got up and went to check and allegedly saw the defendant. Blackman said that Moore asked Abrigo what he was doing, but he jumped from the two-storey verandah and ran away. After she made a report at the Ruimveldt Police Station, an investigation was carried out and Abrigo was subsequently arrested. He was later identified by Moore as the person she saw on her verandah.

Magistrate McGusty, after listening to the prosecutor, granted Abrigo $50,000 bail and ordered him to return to court on December 18th.