Daily Archive: Saturday, December 14, 2019

Articles published on Saturday, December 14, 2019

Kamla Persad-Bissessar

Probe settlement of sex harassment case against former minister – Trinidad Opposition Leader

(Trinidad Guardian)The Com­mis­sion­er of Po­lice, the Di­rec­tor of Pub­lic Pros­e­cu­tions and Chair­man of the In­tegri­ty Com­mis­sion are be­ing called up­on to im­me­di­ate­ly in­ves­ti­gate the cir­cum­stances sur­round­ing the set­tle­ment of the sex­u­al ha­rass­ment law­suit brought against for­mer Sports Min­is­ter Dar­ryl Smith.

Action in the Marian Academy and St. Stanislaus College match at the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall in the Youth Basketball Guyana [YBG] Titan Bowl Championships.

President’s College in blow-out win over Christ Church

Presidents’ College, Georgetown Technical Institute (GTI), Marian Academy and New Amsterdam Technical Institute (NATI) secured wins when the annual Youth Basketball Guyana [YBG] Titan Bowl Championship started on Thursday.  Played at the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall, Homestretch Avenue, President’s College blew out Christ Church 57-10.

A culture of begging

In the midst of the bustle along Regent Street in this season of abundance and overindulgence, an old woman stood on the pavement and pleaded, “Please for a help.”

West Indies all-rounder Dwayne Bravo

Dwayne Bravo makes anticipated return

CHENNAI, India, CMC – Veteran all-rounder Dwayne Bravo has finally confirmed his return to international cricket, announcing early yesterday his availability for selection to the shortest format, with the Twenty20 World Cup just 10 months away.

A Low Dishonest Decade

The outcome of the British election portends a political shift within the United Kingdom comparable to the ascendancy of President Trump in the United States.

“Marriage Story” is available on Netflix.

Performing pain in “Marriage Story”

This review contains mild spoilers for the film. In the ironically titled “Marriage Story”, Nicole (an actress, played by Scarlett Johansson) and Charlie (a director, played by Adam Driver) try to navigate the end of their marriage and custody of their eight-year-old son.