Trinidad bank employee was strangled and thrown in drain

Ro­ma La Mothe
Ro­ma La Mothe

(Trinidad Guardian) Rel­a­tives of bank em­ploy­ee, Ro­ma La Mothe, 28, who was found dead in a drain along De­mer­ara Road in Ari­ma, are dis­put­ing ru­mours that a close rel­a­tive had any­thing to do with her demise.

La Mothe’s rel­a­tives who were at the Foren­sic Sci­ence Cen­tre on Thurs­day, where a pathol­o­gist found that she died as a re­sult of stran­gu­la­tion.

La Mothe, worked at RBC Roy­al Bank and was the moth­er of two young chil­dren.

But rel­a­tives said while they are con­fused as to what hap­pened and the cir­cum­stances sur­round­ing her mur­der, they are frus­trat­ed by the gos­sip. They said since La Mothe’s death “there’s a lot of peo­ple, in­clud­ing tele­vi­sion talk show hosts spread­ing false in­for­ma­tion against the fam­i­ly.”

A rel­a­tive told Guardian Me­dia, “A lot of the things that he ( re­fer­ring to a tele­vi­sion talk show host) is say­ing is not true. It’s said it was a close rel­a­tive and he was on the run but that is de­fam­ing the fam­i­ly and mak­ing it hard­er for us. Every­one is tak­ing it in the wrong di­rec­tion…when you say close rel­a­tive they mean boyfriend or hus­band but it’s not so.”

La Mothe, who was a moth­er of two boys, ages five and three, was dis­cov­ered dead on Tues­day af­ter­noon at about 1 pm.

The rel­a­tive added that La Mothe was a very hard­work­ing per­son who was pas­sion­ate about her fam­i­ly and life, “she was fam­i­ly-ori­ent­ed and her life was will­ing to help any­one. She was an op­ti­mistic per­son. She loved life on the whole. She loved na­ture. She loved fam­i­ly and life. She was pas­sion­ate. She want­ed to fur­ther her ca­reer. She want­ed to move up. She al­ways looked for ways to ad­vance.”

Rel­a­tives said they are strug­gling to deal with her death.

“Peo­ple out there don’t know how the fam­i­ly is cop­ing. Our fam­i­ly is bro­ken and griev­ing and what is be­ing said it is mak­ing it hard­er to grieve.”

“Ro­ma would leave her­self un­done to help an­oth­er per­son. She was out­go­ing, fun, lov­ing and car­ing. She had a heart of gold and she was a di­a­mond. She al­ways want­ed to car­ry her chil­dren to Dis­ney World…that was one of her dreams, “ the rel­a­tive said.

Po­lice are con­tin­u­ing in­ves­ti­ga­tions in­to the woman’s mur­der.

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