Christmas blues

My therapist once told me that the holiday season is the one of the busiest periods for her and in the industry in general. Whether you celebrate the holiday or not, it is one of the few holidays that somehow manages to make you feel emotional about family and relationships. For many, it is also the period in which families make the greatest efforts to see each other and because it is also so close to a new year most can’t help but reflect on the closing year and anticipate the new one.

There are also myriad social gatherings and parties to attend, which in turn further magnifies the hype.

I have never really had full-blown holiday blues, but this period always manages to make me feel anxious and that is rooted in all the additional tasks that seem to have to get done for the season. Holiday blues can be caused by several factors such as family gatherings, over commercialization, financial constraints, stress, a detour from a healthy routine, excessive social commitments, being far away from family and friends and if you live in a country that experiences four seasons then definitely a lack of sunlight can influence this.