Trinidadian judge Peter Jamadar heads to CCJ bench

Justice Peter Jamadar
Justice Peter Jamadar

(Trinidad Guardian) Jus­tice Pe­ter Ja­madar is to be ap­point­ed a Judge of the Caribbean Court of Jus­tice (CCJ) by the Re­gion­al Ju­di­cial and Le­gal Ser­vices Com­mis­sion (RJLSC).

Cur­rent­ly serv­ing as a judge at the Court of Ap­peal, Ja­madar will as­sume du­ty at the CCJ af­ter Jus­tice David Hay­ton re­tires in Ju­ly.

Pri­or to Ja­madar’s ap­point­ment to the Court of Ap­peal in 2008, he worked in pri­vate prac­tice un­til he was ap­point­ed a Judge of the High Court.

In mak­ing the an­nounce­ment on Fri­day – RJLSC Chair­man and CCJ Pres­i­dent, Jus­tice Adri­an Saun­ders not­ed that “The Court con­tin­ues to at­tract some of the most qual­i­fied and tal­ent­ed ju­rists.”

He went on, “Jus­tice Ja­madar has de­vel­oped a well-earned rep­u­ta­tion through­out the Caribbean and the Com­mon­wealth for his well-rea­soned judg­ments and his out­stand­ing work as a ju­di­cial ed­u­ca­tor.”

“His ex­em­plary lead­er­ship of the Ju­di­cial Ed­u­ca­tion In­sti­tute of Trinidad and To­ba­go has con­tributed signif­i­cant­ly to the suc­cess of that body which has re­cent­ly de­vel­oped and rolled out a Gen­der Pro­to­col for the Ju­di­cia­ry of Trinidad and To­ba­go. Mr Jus­tice Ja­madar will un­doubt­ed­ly be a wel­come ad­di­tion to our Bench.”

Fol­low­ing the RJLSC’s ad­ver­tise­ment for a judge in 2018, 18 sub­mis­sions were re­ceived from ap­pli­cants in the re­gion and fur­ther afield from Africa, Aus­tralia, Eu­rope, and North Amer­i­ca.

In Sep­tem­ber 2018, eight ap­pli­cants were in­ter­viewed fol­low­ing which they were sub­ject­ed to background in­ves­ti­ga­tions, which formed part of the rig­or­ous se­lec­tion process by the RJLSC.

From that process, the RJLSC se­lect­ed two judges—Jus­tice An­drew Burgess, of Bar­ba­dos, who was sworn-in re­cent­ly; and Jus­tice Ja­madar who will be sworn in lat­er this year.



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