Trinidad: Residents confront cops after police killing of well-known Sea Lots gang­ster

Sea Lots residents react to police officers following the shooting death of Akini Dole Adams yesterday.
Sea Lots residents react to police officers following the shooting death of Akini Dole Adams yesterday.

(Trinidad Guardian) Po­lice shot dead well-known Sea Lots gang­ster, Aki­ni “Dole” Adams and in­jured an­oth­er man dur­ing an ex­er­cise on Thurs­day evening.

Po­lice said they went in­to the area to con­duct in­ves­ti­ga­tions in­to the mur­ders of four peo­ple in Las Cuevas.

Ac­cord­ing to po­lice re­port, they con­front­ed Adams and three oth­er men and at­tempt­ed to de­tain them for ques­tion­ing.

Po­lice say one of the men drew a firearm and the po­lice re­spond­ed by open­ing fire.

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How­ev­er, res­i­dents dis­put­ed the po­lice re­ports, claim­ing that the men were un­armed. One of the men was wound­ed and tak­en by po­lice for med­ical treat­ment while the oth­er es­caped.

Res­i­dents of Sea Lots re­spond­ed an­gri­ly to the po­lice shoot­ings, and ver­bal­ly con­front­ed po­lice of­fi­cers at the scene.

Po­lice Com­mis­sion­er Gary Grif­fith, mem­bers of the Spe­cial Op­er­a­tions Re­sponse Team and sev­er­al oth­er po­lice units were de­ployed to dis­perse the protest­ing res­i­dents.

Sev­er­al peo­ple were ar­rest­ed for ob­struc­tion and oth­er of­fences.

Grif­fith told the res­i­dents that the po­lice would con­tin­ue to ar­rest them if they ob­struct­ed the of­fi­cers.

Po­lice told Guardian Me­dia that Adams was al­so a sus­pect in the at­tacks on 12 Car­li Bay fish­er­men, sev­en of whom were thrown over­board Tues­day night and had their boats stolen.

It is be­lieved that one of the stolen boats was used by the killers to es­cape af­ter the mur­ders of Las Cuevas gang leader Vaughn “Sand­man” Mieres, his wife and two body­guards ear­li­er in the day.

The shoot­ing raised fears of protests along the Beetham High­way.

How­ev­er, the Min­is­ter of Na­tion­al Se­cu­ri­ty is­sued a state­ment as­sur­ing the pub­lic that “all is back to calm in the Sea Lots area”.

“There is no need for un­due anx­i­ety to en­ter or ex­it Port-of-Spain. The Po­lice Ser­vice and the De­fence Force are on pa­trol in the area,” the state­ment said.

It added that Na­tion­al Min­is­ter Stu­art Young met with the Chief of De­fence Staff and oth­er na­tion­al se­cu­ri­ty of­fi­cials on the in­ci­dent, with the Trinidad and To­ba­go Reg­i­ment be­ing de­ployed on the ground in sup­port of the Po­lice Ser­vice, and the Coast Guard in the wa­ters of the Sea Lots area.

Adams was held by po­lice in March 2017 for the mur­der of WPC Nyasha Joseph but was sub­se­quent­ly re­leased.

WPC Joseph, who was at­tached to the Mor­vant Po­lice Sta­tion, was re­port­ed miss­ing on March 10, 2017 af­ter she did not ap­pear for work and rel­a­tives tried to con­tact her on her cell phone with­out suc­cess.

Her body was found tan­gled in a fish­er­man’s net in the mouth of the Ca­roni Riv­er on March 15, 2017.