Trinidad: Errant truck driver causes interchange mishap

The truck that came into contact with the overhead temporary gantry at the Curepe Interchange, yesterday.
The truck that came into contact with the overhead temporary gantry at the Curepe Interchange, yesterday.

(Trinidad Guardian) As works con­tin­ue on the Curepe In­ter­change, one dri­ver is said to have ig­nored the height re­stric­tions while ap­proach­ing the work­site lead­ing to an ac­ci­dent, with a mo­torist nar­row­ly es­cap­ing with his life.

A video record­ed by an­oth­er mo­torist showed that the dri­ver of a truck came in­to con­tact with the over­head tem­po­rary gantry. Re­ports in­di­cate that the dri­ver ig­nored the tem­po­rary height re­stric­tion even af­ter be­ing told that he could not con­tin­ue be­yond a par­tic­u­lar point at Val­sayn, just be­fore the in­ter­change.

An­oth­er ap­proach­ing ve­hi­cle was hit by the falling over­head gantry.

In a re­lease is­sued to the me­dia, The Na­tion­al In­fra­struc­ture De­vel­op­ment Com­pa­ny Lim­it­ed (NID­CO) stat­ed that the sec­ond ve­hi­cle was en­gaged in an il­le­gal dri­ve on the shoul­der of the high­way up­on the col­lapse of the gantry.

NID­CO said that traf­fic re­stric­tions were out­lined in a pub­lic no­tice re­leased by NID­CO on Fri­day, Jan­u­ary 3, 2020.

The trans­port board in the Min­istry of Works and Trans­port will com­mence an in­ves­ti­ga­tion to de­ter­mine if the height re­stric­tions and con­di­tions on the per­mit for use of the trail­er were breached.

NID­CO said that the clear­ance on this bridge is to in­ter­na­tion­al stan­dards and will fa­cil­i­tate all such ve­hi­cles.

And the com­pa­ny al­so ad­vised all mo­torists to pro­ceed with cau­tion and abide with all rules dur­ing the con­struc­tion pe­ri­od for the Curepe In­ter­change.

Ac­cord­ing to NID­CO the in­ci­dent has not re­sult­ed in any dam­age to the bridge in­fra­struc­ture.

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