Teen charged with attempted rape of elderly woman

A youth, 17, was yesterday accused of assaulting an elderly woman with intent to rape her.

The teen appeared before Magistrate Annette Singh during an in-camera hearing in the Children’s Court in Georgetown, where he was charged with the offence and later granted bail.

It is alleged that on October 29th, 2019, at Kuru Kuru, the teen assaulted a 61-year-old woman with intent to rape her.

He was granted bail in the sum of $50,000 and was told to make his next court appearance on January 23rd.

According to police, around 5am on the day in question, the woman left her home to attend church and while she was waiting for a bus the alleged perpetrator approached her and started to beat her while trying to undress her by tearing her clothes. However, the victim fought back and after a few minutes, a car was seen approaching. The teen subsequently tried to escape but after the woman informed the occupants of the car of what had transpired, they chased after the teen and caught him. He was later arrested.