Forgive me for repeating myself. I’ve written before about how ingredients/foods surprise. You can go a lifetime preparing and eating something, or not, and then one day have it prepared a different way – by a cooking technique, flavouring, application, or accompaniment – and just like that, the dish can become a hit or a miss. In my case, it was a miss, but for everyone else, it was a hit. This speaks to the subjectivity of taste; one person’s ‘poison’ is another’s feast. The bottom line is that we should not limit ourselves, at least try things once.
Over the just-concluded holidays, instead of regular (English) potato salad, I decided to make breadfruit salad. Same preparation as with potato salad, only I used breadfruit instead. As I said above (gosh I am repeating myself again), the salad was a big hit with everyone but me. I found the breadfruit to be heavy, too substantial, not light as potatoes can be in a salad. And then there was the natural flavour of the breadfruit that I found off-putting. I managed to eat exactly 2 pieces and no more. I simply could not handle it. Granted, I won’t say that I am the biggest fan of breadfruit, but this recent experience made me realize that there are certain things that I can only have prepared in particular ways. What about you? Are you the same with certain foods/ingredients?