Stabroek News

Carter Center launches observer mission

The US-based Carter Center today announced that it had launched its observer mission here for the 2020 general elections.

A statement from the Center follows:

Carter Center Launches Mission to Observe Guyana’s 2020 Election


ATLANTA (Jan. 14, 2020) — Following an invitation from the government of Guyana, The Carter Center has launched an election observation mission to observe the March 2 general election in Guyana.

The mission will observe and examine key aspects of the electoral process, including the pre-electoral environment, status of the Guyana Elections Commission’s preparations for elections, and campaigning. Teams of long-term observers are currently deploying across the country and will later be joined by short-term observers and high-level leadership to observe voting, counting, and tabulation procedures. The Carter Center will also follow the post-election process, including the tabulation of results and resolution of any legal disputes. The international election observation mission will build upon the work done by four fact-finding delegations deployed by the Center in 2019 in the lead-up to election.

Throughout election season, The Carter Center will issue periodic statements on key findings. At the end of the mission, it will provide an independent assessment of the electoral process and its compliance with the country’s international commitments, national law, and standards for democratic elections. All statements and reports will be available at

The Center has launched a Twitter account especially for this election observation mission – keep up with mission statements and activities @CarterGuyanaEOM.

The Center’s election observation missions are conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Principles for International Election Observation, which provides guidelines for professional and impartial international election observation. The declaration was adopted at the United Nations in 2005 and has been endorsed by more than 50 election observation groups.

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