Dear Editor,
As the March 2nd election date draws near many disturbing realities we all know to be true are being made manifestly clear to all. Unfortunately many are unable and unwilling to confront the plain sad truth being confirmed to all who choose to see. The attempted conspiracy to disqualify Lenox Shuman and to prevent him from seeking office is the ugly truth of what’s wrong with Guyana and why we can’t move forward as a nation.
Shuman was the first politician to declare his intent to give up his citizenship over one year ago. He confirmed the renunciation of his Canadian citizenship last December. He signed the declaration in good faith and compliance with the Constitution of Guyana, and he seems to know the Constitution chapter and verse.
Yet a politicized GECOM now appears to be acting outside their legal capacity in trying to illegally disqualify Shuman when there are so many others who are known and suspected dual citizens and whose verbal assurance seemed to have been enough. Why aren’t the others being held to the same standard? Why is the bar being continually raised on Shuman? What will be the next requirement, a certificate signed by Justin Trudeau and the Queen?
It stinks of conspiracy and sabotage and it is offensive on so many levels. Shuman is the type of politician we desperately need in this country. He is a man of integrity whose faults are relatively minor compared to his political opponents. We should be doing everything we can to encourage leaders like Shuman who are willing to sacrifice everything for his country. Not to mention he is an Indigenous leader, where every single Indigenous politician has been attacked and sabotaged everywhere in the Americas.
The first sad truth is our political system is broken. It is monopolized by the two corrupt and incompetent dinosaurs locked in a winner-take-all-contest of race politics. The second sad truth is that both the PPP and APNU are equally complicit and incompetent in selling out and negotiating our oil contracts. And the third sad truth is the average working-class Guyanese is traumatized and depressed and keeps getting screwed regardless of who is in power and surviving on the hope that the oil money trickles down to them.
The good news is oil money is coming. The bad news is unless we change the political system it is unlikely to benefit us as Guyanese the way it should. The way to change the political system is to elect some of the small parties to break the winner take all cycle. In a divided country like Guyana, a minority government is forced to cooperate and govern for all. The ability to change the system is in each of our hands through our vote. It is exactly this kind of disruption that APNU and PPP are fearful of and why a man like Shuman threatens to disrupt their broken game and bring some sanity back to Guyana.
We need to look ourselves in the mirror and take stock of ourselves. The change depends on each of us. We can all try to regain our human dignity and act in the best interests of our nation. We stand on the precipice of great change. Let’s not mess it up like we have so many other times in our history. Let us do it for the sake of our children and grandchildren.
Yours faithfully,
Dr. Govind Hind, PhD