Dear Editor,
I just read an on-line news report quoting President Granger as stating that the Constitution of Guyana gives him the power, under certain conditions, to revoke the citizenship of Guyanese who hold dual citizenship.
It is really worrisome that His Excellency would remind us of these powers, especially at this time.
I don’t recall any past president reminding Guyanese of this power. Is this a threat?
So this president takes away my Guyanese citizenship and Trump takes away my US citizenship and I am left stateless….without a homeland. I’ll have to live on a boat in international waters. There must be constitutional reform in Guyana. I thought Guyana recognized dual citizenship. Oh, by the way, I might be saved, I got my US citizenship through legitimate marriage to an American….was married for 28 years. Dual citizens better hold on to their foreign wives and husbands. But seriously, Granger can’t be serious about exercising these powers.
At a time when our president and all our politicians should be embracing us in the Diaspora and acknowledging the contributions we make to our homeland, he is reminding us of his powers that can have him deny us citizenship of our birthplace. Not something he needed to remind us of, unless he was going to say he would have that provision removed from the Constitution once re-elected.
He owes us an explanation!
Yours faithfully,
Wesley Kirton