Two men, one of whom was armed with a gun, last night robbed a Guyana Telephone & Telegraph (GTT) kiosk at the Giftland Mall of an undisclosed amount of cash.
The robbery occurred at approximately 9.30 pm. At the time customers were paying their bills.
Stabroek News was told that the men, who seemed no older than 20, walked up to the cashier and one of them pointed the gun at him while another retrieved the cash.
Surveillance footage video which surfaced minutes after the robbery showed the men walking into the mall like regular patrons. As they approached the kiosk, one went to the right and the other went to the left before pouncing on the cashier.
The armed bandit, the video showed, later whipped out his weapon, a hand gun and was brandishing it. This cause the customers who were paying their bills to scatter. The bandits used the distraction to make good their escape.
The mall security was immediately alerted and police were summoned but no arrest was made. An investigation is ongoing.