Trinidad: Residents rescue beached whale

(Trinidad Guardian) Ef­forts are be­ing made to re­turn a whale, which was found strand­ed at La Lune beach in Moru­ga, back out to the sea.

The mam­mal be­lieved to be a sperm whale was spot­ted in shal­low wa­ters by res­i­dent Claudius Jack­son around 6 am.


Moruga residents help keep a beached whale hydrated

Jack­son said he was tak­ing his morn­ing walk on the beach when he saw the mam­mal near the shore.

With the as­sis­tance of an­oth­er res­i­dent, they tried to guide the whale back out in­to the deep, but it would not go.

Point­ing to marks on the body, he be­lieves that it got caught in a net and was slammed against the rocks.

Er­ic Lewis, the cu­ra­tor of the Moru­ga mu­se­um, said this was the third whale to beach in Moru­ga in the last three years.

He be­lieves that the murky wa­ter is ham­per­ing the mam­mal from com­mu­ni­cat­ing with its pod and find­ing it’s way.

As a re­sult, Lewis and oth­er per­sons are in the process of mov­ing the whale to an­oth­er beach with clear wa­ter.

Game war­dens from the forestry di­vi­sion were al­so on the scene to ren­der as­sis­tance.