Sign this petition decrying Republic Bank’s service

Dear Editor,

Republic Bank (Guyana) Ltd has severely broken consumers’ trust over the past few years of operation. Significant issues have arisen since the passage of the Anti-Money Laundering Act of Guyana which has led to a great many inconveniences to many customers of this bank for the simple matter of identification to continue using the bank’s services. These issues occur even to this day whereby if there is a problem with verifying a customer’s details, all accounts are frozen immediately without notifying the customer, not to mention the struggles of making a new account at said bank, particularly if the potential customer does not have a utility bill in their name. 

With the recent “upgrading” process that has taken place, the issues and struggles of the poor man have deteriorated to new lows, with service becoming unavailable during the transition period as well as hard-earned, honest money being unaccounted for. 

Now, as part of the gift that keeps on giving, the bank has debited all accounts that purchase from Amazon and any other online merchant and has pushed  some customers’ accounts into overdraft, offering only an apology in the daily papers, despite them being responsible for providing customers with false information.

Enough is enough! It is time that consumers’ rights are respected! It’s time for this billion-dollar company to treat customers in a fair manner! I am appealing to the relevant agencies to look into the practices of this company and penalize them for the wrongs they have committed! We Guyanese work too hard to be treated this way by a business whose profits come directly as a result of our money!

As a result, I am asking people who were affected by this bank to head over to and sign the petition created there. 

Yours faithfully,
Amir Khan