Hip Hop, rap collab ‘It’s Two Of Us” released for Valentine’s Day

Anthony Baynes

Nineteen-year-old R&B/Hip Hop singer and songwriter Anthony Baynes, who goes by the stage name ‘Thoni’, has released his latest song “It’s Two Of Us”, a collaboration with two young local rappers, Andrew ‘Drew’ Adams and Sean ‘Haze’ Tribuhan.

Thoni wrote the song, while Drew and Haze created their raps. “It’s Two Of Us” was done specially for the lovers’ holiday, Valentine’s Day. The song shares a second-hand experience that Thoni drew from. The rappers’ contributions, however, stemmed from their own personal experiences.

The teen shared that he began recording his own music when he was 12 years old as he did not have the money to record his songs at a professional studio. He mixed and mastered his songs all on his own.