Visit Guyana, a love story

Stacey and Chris Rahaman

Stacey Dos Santos Rahaman and her husband Chris Rahaman are warriors for Guyana, and they will fiercely defend this land of many waters they call home. They are not in the Guyana Defence Force, nor would they pick up a bow and arrow to fight their battles. Instead their line of defence comes in the form of cameras, computer keyboards and the worldwide web through which they sell their country and counter any negativity with positivity.

After one conversation with this duo, you are bound to be infected by the love they have for their country. They mostly speak through their photographs and more recently videos on their Visit Guyana Facebook and Instagram pages, but they are not afraid to become keyboard warriors to defend this beautiful land.

Ten years ago, Stacey declared that she was tired with all the negative comments about her beloved country. Her husband, Chris, knowing her background in information technology and her love for Guyana, urged her to do something about it. They have since become the team to reckon with and while initially no profit came out of their work, the mere fact that they managed to sell Guyana and pique persons’ interest to visit was enough.