Stabroek News

Bentley gets emotional farewell

Jude Bentley (Deceased)

Jude Bentley took his last ride on Sunday as hundreds showed up to pay their final respect to the former national cyclist who died in a fatal accident on February 8 while training.

During the emotional farewell, tributes flowed in and around the World Vision New Testament Church of God in David Street Kitty. So too were the tears of those for the father of six who represented Guyana at the Commonwealth Games in 2006.

The 41 year-old who died in his Carlton Wheelers racing kit, was best remembered as a role model and a benefactor to many young cyclists.

Family and friends pay their last respects to former national cyclist, Jude Bentley.

Known as a fierce competitor, many of his peers and rivals reflected on his time on the saddle and times off it.

In an invited comment, Racing Secretary of the Guyana Cycling Federation, Malcolm Sonoram told Stabroek Sport that the founder of 592 Bike Life was impactful to many young riders and his passing “is obviously a loss to the cycling community.”

Bentley, 41, was killed after he was struck from behind in the vicinity of the Russian Embassy turn at around 5:00hrs by a Toyota Land Cruiser, driven by Rear Admiral (Ret’d) and former Chief of Staff of the Guyana Defence Force, Gary Best.

Best was placed on $100,000 bail pending investigations.

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