Trinidad: Church evicted from state lands at Carlsen Field

Pastor Esther Cruickshank, head of the Soul Revival Kingdom Ministries at Carlsen Field on Tuesday.

(Trinidad Guardian) Evict­ed from state lands, Pas­tor Es­ther Cruick­shank, head of the Soul Re­vival King­dom Min­istries, said she is not leav­ing Carlsen Field.

Of­fi­cials work­ing the State Lands Of­fice un­der the Min­istry of Agri­cul­ture, Lands and Ma­rine Re­sources con­firmed that on Fri­day Feb­ru­ary 14, 2020 a no­tice was served to the church ad­vis­ing them to va­cate the premis­es. Cruick­shank spoke with Guardian Me­dia on Tues­day.

Cruick­shank and her 22 parish­ioners have in­di­cat­ed they would not be tak­ing the is­sue light­ly.

Cruick­shank ex­plained that she start­ed her min­istry ten years ago and en­tered the Carlsen Field area in 2012. She said the Church start­ed oc­cu­py­ing its present lo­ca­tion in 2017 fol­low­ing a meet­ing with of­fi­cials from the of­fices of State Lands.

Ac­cord­ing to Cruick­shank, a ver­bal agree­ment was reached and no writ­ten doc­u­ments by way of leas­es or le­gal pa­per­work were giv­en to the church to oc­cu­py the land that once housed Tan­teak Lim­it­ed.

Cruick­shank said since 2017, the church has spent over $35,000 to clean up the area and erect a PVC tent where ser­vice was be­ing held.

She said the church was al­so in the process of set­ting up a car wash when the no­tice was giv­en. The fa­cil­i­ty is lo­cat­ed on two acres of prime com­mer­cial land next to TTUTA’s head of­fices and is a stone’s throw from the Chase Vil­lage Fly­over that links both the north and south bound lanes of the high­way.

Cru­cik­shank said she, along with parish­ioners and res­i­dents, have planned a demon­stra­tion for lat­er this month.