Dear Editor,
While Hamilton Green is enjoying the good life with a pension and perks in excess of two million dollars a month for service prior to 1990, public servants irrespective of what scale they retired prior to the same period are receiving a pittance of 50% on the minimum scale or $35,000 per month.
At the same time NIS pensioners receiving above the minimum pension are deprived of an increase in their pension. So if a pensioner is receiving $3,000 above the minimum, that person is automatically disqualified.
It would appear that getting older is becoming a burden to the Government yet their votes are required to sustain their lavish lifestyle, while suffering from the indignity of living like paupers This discriminatory act based on age is a serious anomaly and contradicts the principles of fair play and national justice.
Now, the new promise by both APNU and the PPP is that old age pensions will be doubled to $40,000 per month which would be in excess of both the Government and NIS minimum pensions, so, persons who gave more than thirty-three years service in both the Public and Private Sector will receive less pension than persons who probably never worked in their life.
However, there seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel in the promise by the Finance Minister to look into the anomaly of public servants receiving 50% on the minimum scale prior to 1990, and I hope that this in addition to across-the-board increases for NIS pensioners will be their first priority, irrespective of who wins the next election, since pensioners are more prone to additional expenses due to attrition.
Yours faithfully,
D Sookdeo