Concerning our Jubilee and Oily Campaign (#9)

For the ninth time, as the Jubilee/Oily Election Campaign turns furiously into the homestretch to the March 2nd tapes, we invite you to spare some moments for smiles, laughs, the humour of the campaign. Watch friends, control your blood pressure. For you must stay alive and healthy beyond March 02.


God at election-time -and Rastafari votes….

Poor God. During election campaigns He is called upon to take sides. Certain political parties behave as though He belongs to them alone. Exclusively!

But how could that be? When He is Creator and Protector of all? Rather all parties should beseech for His blessings. On their party, their campaign; their hoped-for “victory”.

PNC tries to say PPP is “Godless”. Even when PPP boasted Rev. Dale Bisnauth and Pandit Reep. Even God’s Roman Catholics couldn’t deliver big-time for the United Force. And did God “abandon” the PNC in 1992?

We’ve already quoted Psalms 75:8: “For in the hands of the Lord there is a cup!”. The truth is, as Forbes Burnham once told his Bourda Green supporters: “As far as I am aware, Jesus Christ is not a candidate at these coming elections”. Jesus also told the Romans, “My Kingdom is not of this world”. So the PPP’s Bishop Juan could be wrong: God the Son – Jesus – would hardly “vote PPP” if He arrives by March 02.

Is it true? Rasta comrades were smoking spliffs at one PNC mass rally? All contesting parties would welcome all votes. Including smoking Rastafari votes. So no prosecution ‘til after Polling Day? No wonder PNC strategists came up with PNC-R = “Promoting Nyabinghi Culture  – Rastafari!” (PNCR).


Colours, fashion and food

Even Change Guyana, Citizen Initiative and ANUG as well LJP (?) all have their specific party colours. But they are overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of PPP (Red, Black, Gold) and PNC – massive green!

PNC funding has produced thousands upon thousands of green tops. Fashion designers have turned out young ladies, babies and puppies in all sorts of fashionable green with daubs of AFC yellow.

There is now PNC/APNU/AFC foods! Coalition chow mein, coalition cheese straws, coalition cheese rolls. In appropriate colours. And at Robb Street, near Wellington in G.T. you can eat and drink from His Excellency. Yes there are Granger cups, plates, saucers, bowls – with the PNC Leader’s face, in full colour, on sale! Ho-ho-ho!
