Dear Editor,
We know that Dr. Mark Bynoe will not tell us what has been paid for our profit-oil or indeed, to whom it has been paid. Shell Western Supply and Trading Limited, however, can; and must do so.
In May of 2010, Guyana committed to implementing the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) and we became an EITI Candidate country in October 2017. The involvement of the EITI is intended as a safeguard of our resources; can EITI (Guyana) tell us who received the payment from Shell Western? Then there is the Natural Resource Fund Act complete with the New York bank account, has there been a deposit into same? Can Winston Jordan confirm that a deposit has been made and if so how much? And if none has been made, why not? With all the assurances of transparency offered by David Granger and associates before the oil was pumped into the Cap Phillipe, it is astounding to see how opaque details surrounding the very first lift have become; it begs the question of what exactly is at play.
Pressure from every possible source must be brought to bear for a declaration (before Election Day) of what has been paid by Shell Western and to whom.
Yours faithfully,
Robin Singh