‘Backtrack’ travel between Guyana and Suriname suspended for week

The makeshift jetty where passengers disembark at Springlands

‘Backtrack’ travel between Suriname and Guyana has been closed for a week starting yesterday and the surprise implementation of the decision has left a number of Guyanese nationals stranded in the neighbouring country.

The decision is being implemented by the police following a request for a seven-day closure by the Ministry of Public Health, which was concerned that travel through the routes could increase while police are deployed for the general and regional elections even as coronavirus cases rise elsewhere.

Faaiz Mursaline, who operates the Golden Gloves “backtrack” speed boat service at Spring-lands, Corentyne, yesterday confirmed the closure to Sunday Stabroek and he said his service will be closed for seven days. When questioned Mursaline, indicated that the closure is based “on some orders from the top”.  He also noted, that he has 35 workers who will be affected by the sudden closure.

According to a February 18th, 2020 letter, which was seen by this news-paper yesterday, the Ministry of Public Health wrote to the Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan, requesting that Guyana to Suriname backtrack entry be closed during the period of February 29 to March 7 due to the increase in number of cases in corona virus Germany and France. “The Ministry of Health believes that since our security will be dispatched for the General and Regional Elections, travel activity at this soft entry point can increase significantly, thus posing a threat to the citizens of Guyana,” the letter stated.

No public announcement was made of the decision.

Many utilise the route, an alternative to the Cana-waima ferry service, which is operated daily between Moleson Creek, Guyana and South Drain, Suriname. Since many travellers do not use travel documents to cross, the source explain-ed, there are a significant number of persons who travelled to Suriname through the route for work in Nickerie and are now unable to return.

With the closure expect-ed to last for one week, some will be unable to return to cast their vote at Monday’s elections.

The source said the stranded persons, “cannot come and vote. They don’t have passport to travel through the ferry, they only have identification card to come through” the backtrack routes.

He said to the best of his knowledge no arrangement is being made to have the persons return to Guyana.