Airports to be closed to international traffic for two-weeks

Members of the Task Force at the press conference yesterday. From left are Director-General of the Civil Defence Commission (CDC) Lieutenant Colonel Kester Craig, Commissioner of Police Leslie James, Minister of Education Dr Nicolette Henry, Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo, Minister of Public Health Volda Lawrence, Director General of the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority Egbert Field and Director of Public Information Imran Khan

As the country ramps up its response to the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), authorities yesterday announced that the two major airports would be closed to incoming international flights from midnight tonight for the next two weeks.

Director General of the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority Egbert Field made the disclosure yesterday during his address at a press conference at the National Com-munications Network (NCN) Studios, Homestretch Avenue, hosted by the Ministerial Task Force set up to address the country’s COVID-19 response. It was also announced that any new suspected cases would be quarantined at Health Ministry facilities as opposed to being allowed to self-quarantine.

“The Civil Aviation Authority, in order to slow the progress of this virus and in consultation with the Ministry of Health, has decided with the approval of the Cabinet Taskforce to close all airports to all international flights,” Field said.