Dear Editor,
This letter is addressed to GECOM and the powers that be in the Government. The past two weeks and two days have been the saddest of my life. Since March 2, when I voted – incidentally, for neither of the two monoliths, because frankly nothing in the last four years has shown me that there is any difference between them – you have daily assaulted my intelligence; you have challenged my moral compass, my sense of decency; you have refused to allow my vote to be counted – and I cannot be silent any longer.
I kept quiet when you paraded your blatant obfuscations; I kept quiet when you produced your red herrings; I even kept quiet when you shouted your “discreptancies”; but this latest attempt at preventing the counting of the people’s votes by ex parte injunction is the last straw. I object with every strength of my being. I shout to the world – This is wrong! This is dishonest! This is thievery! If the Government feels it has won the election why is it not anxious to have every vote counted? Your President himself requested it! Until I have no more voice, I shout – let the people’s vote be counted. Let my vote be counted.
Yours faithfully,
Marie Anne Cholmondeley