Daily Archive: Sunday, March 22, 2020

Articles published on Sunday, March 22, 2020

Sir Shridath Ramphal

Sir Shridath applauds Dominic Gaskin

In a second statement in less than a week on the Guyana crisis,  Sir Shridath Ramphal has applauded the statement by Dominic Gaskin on the need for a new form of governance and has called for democracy and the rule of law to prevail.

David Hinds

Second APNU+AFC coalition party joins call for total recount

Saying it was “alarmed” at the developments surrounding the tabulation of votes from the March 2 polls the Working People’s Alliance (WPA), a member of the governing A Partnership for National Unity and Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) coalition, yesterday joined calls being made for a verified recount of ballots cast in all electoral districts, which it said is permitted under the constitution.

Clamour grows to postpone Tokyo Games

LONDON, (Reuters) – Calls from sporting organisations for this year’s Tokyo Olympics to be postponed because of the coronavirus pandemic gathered pace yesterday with USA Track and Field (USATF), the French Swimming Federation and Brazil’s Olympic Committee the latest to join the throng.

Dominic Gaskin

Gaskin says Mingo’s Region Four figures don’t add up

Rejecting the controversial vote count that was initially declared by Region Four Returning Officer (RO) Clairmont Mingo, AFC executive and former Business Minister Dominic Gaskin on Friday said there needs to be a full investigation to determine if there was wrongdoing by Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) officials in connection with the integrity of Statements of Poll (SOPs) or the tabulation of results from the March 2 elections.

Posters for Rear Window, Gosford Park and The Big Chill

Comfort Food

Whether you’re practicing social distancing, in self-quarantine or going about your business as normal, it’s hard to ignore that the current times are a bit fraught.

Jamaica Football Federation president, Michael Ricketts.

Programme at a ‘standstill’ says JFF

KINGSTON, Jamaica, CMC – Football’s local governing body says the coronavirus outbreak had brought Jamaica’s domestic and international programme to a “standstill”, and it was anxious to resume its itinerary once health authorities gave the all clear.

The US must act now to save our embryonic democracy

Dear Editor, The US Secretary of State Michael Richard Pompeo needs to immediately implement the consequential sanctions against the individuals who have openly flouted and breached the laws of Guyana to actively undermine the democratic process in order to prevent the winner of Guyana’s General and Regional elections, which were held on March 2, 2020, from leading the Government of Guyana.

Lucas stock index

Last Update: 624.29                            Movement: -0.28% Current Update: 622.53                      YTD Movement 2.73% LUCAS STOCK INDEX The Lucas Stock Index (LSI) fell 0.28% during the third period of trading in March, 2020.

Ulita Moore and the recount of votes

Just as the Elections Commission (“the Commission”) was getting its act together, gingerly tiptoeing its way to a decision to recount the votes cast in the general and regional elections held on March 2, Ulita Moore, a candidate for the APNU+AFC in the regional elections, caused to be filed a case in court seeking a variety of declarations and orders against the Commission.


Readers may want to know why this space again this Sunday lacks its usual text.   I have removed the column which would normally appear here.  Life is not normal in Guyana.

Action by Granger

We live in troubled times. The outcome of the election which took place on March 2 should have been clear and accepted by all parties a few days later.