Police Force says operating without fear or favour

Seelall Persaud
Seelall Persaud

The Guyana Police Force (GPF) has rejected criticisms by former Police Commissioner Seelall Persaud over its conduct during the post-elections period, while maintaining that its ranks have acted professionally and in accordance with the law.

In an open letter to the force last Wednesday, Persaud had decried the conduct of law enforcers during incidents at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre and the office of the Region Four Returning Officer (RO) and had urged members of the force to maintain professionalism in executing their duties. “As I make this appeal to you, I would like you to know that I am not a member of any political party. My service in the Guyana Police Force for over thirty three years has been nothing but professional and during that time I strived to uphold and maintain the highest values and standards of a professional Police Force which includes staying away from political activism and sentiments,” Persaud had said.

However, in a statement issued on Monday evening, the GPF noted that the letter appears to be aimed to “negatively” influence a particular section of society towards the Force in general and more specifically to discredit the image of its administration through misrepresentation.

The GPF said that like the current administration it has upheld the same posture as that taken during Persaud’s tenure. “The author mentioned, inter alia, that during his tenure in the Force he stayed away from political activism and expressions of sentiments. This is also the position of the current Administration of the Force which in recent times has been strongly emphasized, advocated and practiced,” it noted.

It further said that the force is “apolitical and not officious” while stating that ranks were reminded to keep their personal political preferences to themselves, off and away from all police locations, and absent in the execution of their duties.

Persaud had noted that the public relies on the police for protection and should not be failed despite the circumstances. “My thinking and experiences tells me that [the] anti-democratic action of a few in our society cannot bear fruit without support of the Police. Let us not throw our honor to the dogs. Let not the necessity of Public Protection against deviance be submerged by outflows of sentimentality,” he had said.

He added that the county is currently at “the edge of a precipice” as he made reference to two incidents which took place during the electoral process and reminded the police that it is important for them to keep in mind the people’s right while carrying out their duties. “The situation in our country is grave and, as we are aware, political efforts to bring us through have failed over and over. It is left to the Police to give life and meaning to the enjoyment of civil rights by the law abiding members of our society. So it is crucial that you do not act as you did at the Region 4 RO’s Office and the Arthur Chung Convention Centre when you evicted people who had a legal right to be there and who were advancing the protection of Constitutional Rights of the Guyanese People,” Persaud had said.

In the latter case, Persaud had said the police force loses its professionalism, independence and control and the people that suffer include their relatives, friends and themselves.

In regards to these two scenarios, the GPF statement said that ranks acted in accordance with the Police Act and the Constitution, with the latter referring to what the police can do to ensure safety in “all places.” It added that notwithstanding the fact that GECOM has its own security, the police force has a duty to maintain law and order, to ensure the safety of all, anywhere and everywhere in Guyana.

The police noted that while the letter focused on these two locations solely it completely or deliberately ignored the police efforts in terms of efficiency, effectiveness and competence during this period. “It should also be noted that the post-election activities where the police exercised a high degree of restraint were not given any recognition by the former Commissioner of Police. Such partisan commentary speaks volumes,” the GPF said.

The force noted incidents whereby ranks were subject to verbal and physical abuse, including attacks by protestors armed with firearms, cutlasses, wood, iron and other crude weapons, resulting in some suffering serious injury and being hospitalised. It noted that in some cases ranks were so traumatised that professional counselling had to be sought.  “Also school children were injured and hospitalized, public buses and private motor vehicles were damaged and public roadways were blocked with tyres, lamp poles and other materials which were set on fire,” the GPF statement pointed out. 

These activities, according to the police, resulted in public disorder and led to significant damage and destruction of state and private property. 

In many instances, the police said the rights of citizens, while putting the protection of life and the safeguarding of property were at risk. 

However, throughout these episodes the police said, ranks continued to exercise “much” restraint.

Persaud in his appeal had also told the ranks that society takes note of the “selective” deployment of ranks in the Force as well as the use of excessive force by them.

According to the GPF statement, this aspect of Persaud’s letter seemed to question the judgement and directions of the Commissioner. “The stark reality is that, deployment of Officers has always been the Commissioner’s call as having overall superintendence of the Force. This is a phenomenon that can be examined historically and one which has been a part of the modus operandi of successive post-independence Commissioners, without exception,” the statement said.

Persaud had warned about the international sanctions the country is on the verge of facing while citing the consequences that follow. Additionally, he pleaded with ranks to remember that every government needs a rigorous police force to protect the rights of its citizens. “However, let us understand that in a free regime the Police are employed against the minority opposed to the general good as well as against abuse and negligence of the authorities. On the other hand, in a tyrannical regime, the Police are employed against ordinary and law abiding people who are delivered into the hands of injustice and impunity,” he noted.

He further appealed to the police to take professional action in an effort to save the country from the “few dissidents”. “I am also aware that our learning and experiences gave us the understanding of the nature of human suffering as well as the understanding of the moral contradiction of achieving just ends with coercive means. I appeal to you to use those understandings in giving instructions and taking action. The society you served had never been so heavily dependent on you in contemporary times. Be our heroes,” he said.