Police Force says operating without fear or favour

Seelall Persaud

The Guyana Police Force (GPF) has rejected criticisms by former Police Commissioner Seelall Persaud over its conduct during the post-elections period, while maintaining that its ranks have acted professionally and in accordance with the law.

In an open letter to the force last Wednesday, Persaud had decried the conduct of law enforcers during incidents at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre and the office of the Region Four Returning Officer (RO) and had urged members of the force to maintain professionalism in executing their duties. “As I make this appeal to you, I would like you to know that I am not a member of any political party. My service in the Guyana Police Force for over thirty three years has been nothing but professional and during that time I strived to uphold and maintain the highest values and standards of a professional Police Force which includes staying away from political activism and sentiments,” Persaud had said.