Handyman granted bail on narcotics trafficking charge

Richard Pillay
Richard Pillay

A handyman was yesterday brought before a Georgetown Magistrate’s Court, on a charge of possession of narcotics for the purpose of trafficking.

Richard Pillay, 41, of Lot 10 Melanie Damishana, East Coast Demerara, and a handyman at Four Seasons Restaurant, yesterday stood before Magistrate Sherdel Isaacs-Marcus.

It was alleged that on July 16th, 2019, at Norton Street Lodge, Pillay was found with two kilogrammes cannabis, for the purpose of trafficking.

The father of two, who pleaded not guilty, told the court that the drugs were not found on him, but rather in the upper flat of the two story building. He also added that they were seven other persons in the building at the time the search was conducted.

Police prosecutor Richard Innis, in his report, told the court that information was received by a source and the restaurant was searched, he also added that Pillay in his statement, admitted to owning the drugs. In his request to have bail denied, he informed the court that Pillay who was previously granted bail, did not attend any court sessions before being rearrested. He is also accused of corrupting the summons by providing the court with two conflicting addresses, and is therefore seen as a flight risk.

After listening to both the prosecutor and defendant, Magistrate Isaacs-Marcus, decided to grant bail in the sum of $75,000, due to the long dates being given as part of the effort to combat the Covid-19 virus and because they were seven persons in the building at the time the drugs were found.

Pillay is to make his next appearance on April 22nd, 2020, and was ordered to report to the Narcotics Branch every Monday at 9am to the Officer in Charge.