Granger is part of the problem – Jan Mangal

Jan Mangal

Former presidential adviser on petroleum,  Dr Jan Mangal says that in the current electoral crisis, President David Granger is part of the problem.

In a post on his Facebook page in response to an April 6th editorial in the Guyana Chronicle which said that Granger had been vindicated by the recent Guyana Court of Appeal ruling, Mangal said “For me, for someone who trusted President Granger, who believed he wanted to see Guyana progress, he has not been vindicated.  It is in fact the opposite.  The last few weeks, and his inability to bring Guyana back from the brink, is data which proves, to me at least, that he is part of the problem and not part of the solution.  This is very sad, as he had the opportunity to positively transform this nation.  But he did not take it”.

Granger has stood silent on what has been seen to be a clear attempt by GECOM officials to rig the March 2nd elections in his favour and enable a swearing in. The rigging attempt has been countered by opposition parties and thwarted by court action. There has also been widespread condemnation by the international community. A recount of votes is to be done shortly.

In a separate post, Mangal argued that the APNU+AFC government has misused the courts.

“This government has misused the courts and continues to misuse the courts, judging by the outcomes.  The ultimate objective of the government is now clear for all to see, from (the) unilateral appointment of (former GECOM chairman James) Patterson, to (the) NCM (No Confidence Motion) to rigging of region four.  The solution is to restart and complete the process for region four, similar to how it was successfully completed for the other regions”, Mangal said.

Mangal has been a frequent critic of several government officials in relation to oil industry policy and other matters.