Daily Archive: Sunday, April 12, 2020

Articles published on Sunday, April 12, 2020

Delay without end

“When will you make an end?” an impatient Pope Julius II calls up to Michelangelo painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in the 1965 film The Agony and the Ecstasy.

John Lewis

Remembering John Lewis

By Emmerson Campbell    John Lewis was more than an ex-rugby player and official, he was a mentor, a friend, a father figure to many players and a major contributor to shaping the sport locally. 

1,759 families get CDC hampers for COVID-19 relief

Up to last Thursday, the Civil Defence Commission (CDC) distributed food hampers to 1,759 households as part of its work to bring relief to citizens during the current month-long emergency curfew instituted by the Ministry of Public Health in response to the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic.

PPP recount proposal accords carefully with law, Justice Singh must take command now

Dear Editor,    Close to 6 weeks after the 2nd March 2020 General and Regional Elections in Guyana, the world, in utter bewilderment, watches on, as a cabal, clutching illegally onto the reins of Government, continues to execute their joint enterprise with three Commissioners and a grouping within the GECOM Secretariat, to thwart the democratic process and prevent the declaration of the true results of those elections. 

There would also be no position of opposition leader

Dear Editor,  The signatories to the letter ‘Mr. Granger no longer entitled to be called President’ (SN April 10), was very clear and explicit that ‘from 21st December 2018 Guyana did not have a president or any ministers’.    The letter was also clear that portfolios held by persons in the former administration, including the president and prime minister, should now be described with former being affixed to their position.    With this reasoning it can also be deduced that there is no position of opposition leader in place either and the incumbent  holding this title should now be referred to as former opposition leader or more precisely general secretary of the party which formed the opposition in the last parliament.     Yours faithfully,  Shamshun Mohamed  

Kite flying at Buxton seawall (Photo by Michael Lam)

A COVID Easter

This Easter won’t see the parks, seawalls, cane fields and other wide open outdoor spaces filled—as they typically are—with crowds of Guyanese enjoying picnics and flying kites.

Tale as old as time

Last week, amidst the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, two French doctors appeared on television discussing the possibility of testing experimental treatments against the virus in Africa.

Danuta Radzik

More gov’t proactivity urged in domestic violence fight during lockdown

Women’s rights activist Danuta Radzik has called on the government to heed the very recent calls of Secretary General of the United Nations António Guterres to increase funding for non-government organisations (NGOs) so they can continue to offer their specialized services and expertise in sexual and gender-based violence especially in light of the COVID-19 lockdowns that are occurring worldwide.

No one has remembered the artists

Dear Editor,  These are very challenging times for all Guyanese. It has impacted our lives in many ways and has brought out the humanitarian nature in many of our compatriots and some of our business people while it has also brought out the worst in others who have sought to exploit the situation.