Dear Editor,
There has been a lot said about the number of stations to complete the recount. More than one location will allow for ensuring a swifter recount while also keeping in place the precautions necessary for the Coronavirus. A balance must be obtained when weighing the risk of the total number of days of bringing people together from various communities vs. quick work in multiple locations. The team involved should consider the risk of transmission from extended potential exposure due to the number of days for the recount. It only takes one infected person to cause the virus to spread to multiple communities and the more those involved are traveling back and forth to conduct the recount, the more opportunity there is for exposure to the virus.
A shorter time frame should be considered to reduce the risk. Multiple locations would help to get the work done in a timely manner. Starting with the end in mind as it pertains to the desired timeframe to complete the work would help tremendously to settle the debate. Is it a week or two weeks? The bar association has given some guidance and the Attorney General has clarified what is acceptable via a legal precedent. It’s time to set an end date and plan accordingly. Reminds me of the great work done on election night at the polling stations. That was an election process that made everyone proud. GECOM has already shown us that they are capable of getting this done in a timely manner. No need for unnecessary risk taking. Please set a date for the recount to end, plan accordingly and work towards getting the recount completed by that date.
Yours faithfully,
Jamil Changlee
The Cooperative Republicans of Guyana