The Emergency Measures which were implemented by the Ministry of Public Health to reduce the community spread of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) are likely to be extended after the May 3 expiration date, though the National COVID-19 Task Force (NCTF) has not officially been asked to consider any such extension.
Speaking yesterday during a virtual press conference, de facto Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo, who chairs the NCTF, noted that no representation has been made for an extension. He however added that the measures implemented in Guyana all follow international best practices and the country is likely to continue to do so.
“I cannot say at this time whether or not the curfew will be lifted. There has been no representation made to the task force to this effect,” he said adding that Guyana has been listening to warnings from PAHO/WHO representative Dr William Adu-Krow and the WHO itself which has cautioned against lifting measures too early.