No major blackout since December 2019

Dear Editor,

Amidst all the chaos in Guyana (pandemic and governance) a remarkable maybe unnoticed feat has been accomplished. As a resident of a suburban area in Georgetown, I have not experienced a blackout since December 2019. Well, to be exact I have not had a power outage lasting more than five minutes and even then I think there were only three occasions.

What has brought about this incredible accomplishment by the Guyana Power and Light? Before I jinx it, I don’t want to know.

Thank you, GPL! I could not imagine being on lockdown without electricity. You have done your part in this crisis. I also appreciate the three months VAT exemption. Whatever it is you are doing continue to do it. I will do my part by knocking on wood, crossing all my fingers and toes, and bathing in blue water.

I may, however, ask if you can share your lessons learned with the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph company. GTT is a whole other kettle of hassar.

Yours faithfully,

(Name and address supplied)