Stabroek News

ANUG, TCI to press GECOM for live streaming of recount

Timothy Jonas

While Chairperson of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) retired Justice Claudette Singh has so far maintained that the recount of the votes from the March 2nd polls will not be live streamed, at least two of the contesting political parties plan to ask her today to reconsider.

“I absolutely believe that it is vital for this thing to be streamed live,” Chairman of A New United Guyana (ANUG), Timothy Jonas told Stabroek News.

GECOM is meeting today with all parties that contested the elections to discuss procedures for the recount, among other matters.

Rhonda Lam

Speaking with Stabroek News last evening, Jonas explained that since at least one local media house has offered to broadcast the process without interference and free of cost, there is no excuse for denying the request.

He suggested that the Chair is hiding behind the legislation when she argues that Section 90 of the Representation of the People Act would prohibit the public exposure of individual ballots.

“We are trying to find an excuse not to be transparent when we should be stretching to be transparent,” he argued.

The section states that every person attending the counting of votes shall maintain and shall not communicate any information obtained at the count as to the list of candidates for which any vote has been given.

Jonas argued that this section applies only to the first count conducted at the place of poll on the day of poll and not to the current process, which is being implemented outside of these regulations.

According to the attorney at law, it is a common sense provision to prohibit someone in the polling place from leaking information on the counting before a statement of poll is completed but such a protection is not needed here.

Jonas added that since at least one media house has offered to broadcast for free the entire process there is no excuse not to accept the offer.

This proposal has also found favour with Rondha-Ann Lam, the presidential candidate of The Citizen Initiative (TCI).

Lam also believes it is necessary as a tool to force either the APNU+AFC Coalition or the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) to concede, especially since both parties have claimed victory. “Neither side will concede. Can you imagine after (so many) days people still being doubtful?” she asked.

According to Lam, the live streaming of a count which proceeds one region at a time will ensure that the integrity of the ballot boxes remain intact.

In light of this, she also intends to request that the chair reconsider the authorised simultaneous count of four regions.

“We go to the meeting hoping for a clear date for start of recount, an agreement that the big guns will abide by the results and not run to the courts to derail it again …,” she told Stabroek News.

However even as they publicly state their intent there seems little hope that they will meet with success.

According to Jonas the parties have no traction.

“We will go, make suggestions and the Commission will ignore it and move forward,” he said.


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