What `Six Peoples’?

(Re)-Count me out!

I noticed, just recently, that the accomplished singer-composer-columnist, Mr Dave Martins returned to the issue of this country’s diversity welcoming its positives for what is sometimes a fractured society.

No doubt Dave would recall responding to a column published here almost exactly three years ago. For the sake of provocative discussion I had argued that our National Motto – One People, One Nation, One Destiny- remains an aspirational misnomer always seemingly unattainable and probably in need of review.

That personal opinion would no doubt attract outrageous rebuke from many. After all, even artificiality should be allowed to inspire the hope – for collective objective even as daily local realities promote serious social discord, division and national rancour, I suppose that optimists would always live their lives seeking the ideals embedded in the aspirational rights, freedoms and objectives to be found in national Constitutions and mottoes.

My essay of May 2017 reminded that “we all should be informed by now about the arrival of the various groups whose descendants now populate our space on the planet. Mind you even the so-called “indigenous” First People, the Amerindians, arrived from elsewhere. They carved out a culture from our South American forests, lands and waters. The other groups came or were brought. For reasons now well-known.

“The groups brought their distinctive behaviours from whence they came. The human “races” displayed their ethnic customs, habits, language; they were distinct, diverse people throughout slavery, indentureship, colonial rule, Independence and up to the present time, May 2017.”

I then discussed the citizens from the descendants of the Sub-continent who to this day cling lovingly in embrace of Mother India – its language, religions, foods, dress, music, etc however “modified” or influenced by the South American/Caribbean environment. Like our “African”, they are now Guyanese according to the name of the State and provisions of the Constitution.

I in conclusion, asked what are the elements of true nationhood? A nation evolves from genuine common beliefs and pursuits, unity in class, purpose and struggle. Not empty aspirational rhetoric, fake “social cohesion” and pie-in–the-sky “ethnic relations”. I invite you all to appreciate why I settle for productive peaceful co-existence here. True “love and harmony” evolves from that. But even old-time values are now rare.


Six peoples? Really?

Growing up in the colony of British Guiana, my generation (the forties to sixties) somehow accepted the theory that the society was populated by “Six Peoples”. “Amerindians” – another misnomer- Europeans, Africans, East Indians, Chinese and Portuguese. So, Guyana – the Land of Six Peoples.” Poor us.

Quickly however, whilst researching to write an education colouring book in the early seventies, I confirmed that the Madeira islands were part of Portugal and very much part of Europe.

By anecdote, I was informed that the mainland Portuguese looked down upon their Madeiran Islanders suspecting that some Madeiran ladies were “tainted” by African Arab moors who would journey through from time to time.

So all our early Manoels are Portuguese Europeans – like the English, French and Dutch who all occupied here. Could Dave, a proud descendant of Portugal, please clarify for me? And  Y’all still want “Six Peoples”? Substitute mixed race for Portuguese, Ho-ho.


Insulting farce!? Count me out!

I wanted to take a break from the nerve-sapping, mind-boggling local politics today. So just brief comments to include both my personal cowardice and disgust.

Why cowardice? Because I know the old beast now in furious oil-and gas-oriented bullyism to retain governmental control and power. By any means necessary, as I preached for months prior to early March. The attitudes of aggression from His Excellency’s young Turks and Tribesmen really scare me. From their protest to their threats to their litigation to their security apparatus and resources of law – and “order”, I am now scared.

Don’t expect me to be impressed or hopeful by little concessions from His Excellency’s GECOM foursome and secretariat. Or the daily opposition briefings outside the Convention Centre. Or the “scrutiny” by three CARICOM  comrades. Even the Opposition competitors are evidently in discord. Recount? Count me out! And hope that my attitude is wrong!


To ponder, to wonder…

1) The recount is now a forensic audit like that once requested by Dessie Hoyte in 97/98. So will thousands of votes become invalid?

2) The voter put his “X” on the Party Symbol so his intention is known! Away with how –to–vote.

3) More needed from the PPP’s Brigadier Mark and analyst Tony:  Right?

4) Comrade Chris Jones controls the Aquatic Centre toilets. See why power is to be retained?

5) A day will come when the Press Association can provide its members with adequate meals and mobile washrooms. All on its own!

6) Name five procedures of the Election Recount.

7) When I read on Sunday the traditionally-a-political Ian Mc Donald’s quiet outrage against the evil bullyism, I knew I had to keep writing. And hoping!

’Til next week
